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When in Venice, Mangia (Eat up)!

Most Americans we have a limited view of what "Italian food" really is. Italy is abundant in eclectic dishes. No matter where you choose to go throughout the country, you'll get an entirely new dining experience. For instance, when you head towards the lagoon, you'll get to enjoy Venetian cuisine, and if you head towards the shores of the Adriatic Sea, you'll get to experience traditional seafood dishes. When in Venice, eat up! Or as my father-in-law says: Mangia! If you are unsure where to begin, here is a list of the most popular and authentic dishes to try. Spaghetti in Nero di Seppia This charcoal-colored pasta-looking dish is pieces of squid slow-cooked in tomato sauce. The charcoal color comes from the ink of the squid, which is added after the preparation is complete.

Sarde in Saor

Over a reduced flame, onions are cooked until they become transparent and fragrant. Pine nuts, raisins, and sardines are mixed in with the onions to create this delightfully tasty dish.

Fritto Misto

This divine dish is simply shrimp, fishballs, and Calamari, all breaded and deep-fried to perfection. Although many restaurants serve this dish, they all add their own flavors, bread topping, and touches, so don't hesitate to try them all!

Baccala Mantecato For hours, dried codfish is cooked until the bone is nearly dissolved. It is then creamed with oil to the most impeccable consistency. This makes a great late-night spread for bread and is even better paired with some Venetian wine. This is a childhood favorite of my husband. He fondly remembers it being served at the family gatherings on Christmas Eve at the "Feast of Seven Fishes."

Bigoli in salsa

Onions, anchovies, and fennel seeds are added to the sauce of this magnificent Venetian wholewheat pasta dish. This is one of Venice’s signature cuisines and a must-try!


These delectable doughnuts are the perfect mid-day treat overfilled with cream or raisins and candied orange peel and dipped in sugar.

Tramezzino This snack entails using pieces of bread in the shape of a triangle and filling them with all sorts of delicious foods such as cheese, tomatoes, artichoke, olives, and more.

Moeche Fritte

These small crabs are breaded and fried whole without the shell. You will find this delicacy served at many fancy Venetian restaurants.

Fegato Alla Veneziana This dish is a Venetian past-time. In fact, it's a past-time for many cultures. It is liver fried up and laid over a bed of slow-cooked onions.


These vibrant-colored violet artichokes are picked prematurely and then boiled. You won’t even have to peel it, take a bite, and enjoy!

While Venice's sites and history draw most people to the city, the food is worth traveling for! Are you ready to indulge in some authentic and mouth-watering Italian Cuisine? Click "Schedule a Quick Chat," and let's start planning!


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Denise DelVecchio

Travel Specialist

As a wife, mother, and business owner, I know how valuable your time is.
I understand/know what it feels like to suddenly find your house empty and the need to rekindle that connection with your partner, which is why I work with travelers just like you.

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